Let's dive into the divine truths that illuminate our path, while navigating the murky waters of propaganda that seek to obscure our vision.


OSHO: "God is the greatest lie invented by men."

The Concept of God

The idea of God can be seen as something created to help people feel better and keep society in order, especially in a world where true love and kindness often seem rare. Believing in a higher power offers comfort to those facing tough times, acting as a way to cope with feeling powerless or alone. Historically, religious beliefs and institutions have promoted good behavior, reduced despair, and prevented chaos, thus lowering suicide rates. However, some argue that this use of religion is a way to control people, making them follow rules not because they are true but because it keeps society stable. From this view, religion manipulates people, while atheism encourages questioning and seeking truth based on evidence and reason. Atheism promotes understanding the world through science and facts, freeing people from blindly following beliefs without proof. While belief in God can inspire good actions, atheism offers a clear, evidence-based approach to life, valuing intellectual freedom and critical thinking.

This is my team perspective.

OSHO: "After Nations, the second greatest disease is religions."

The Propaganda of Religion

The Propaganda of religion: In the modern perspective religion is nothing but another name for propaganda for people, in which they believe and will sacrifice themselves and kill people in the name of religion. Religion in a broader sense started as a tool of rationality as the man was too afraid of certain things, earlier religion tried to reason things but as there is no space for improvements people take them as the only sole reason of life, they'd believe on some fancy pants prophet or arabian barbaric man than a person who has the ability to think, religion now has no other meaning, politicians and corrupt people use it for their convenience, take any example Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism to some extent, all these religions are the reason people are dying, bombings, terrorist attacks, all are because of religious extremism, most people who we think are very wise, intelligent, successful are either agnostics or atheists.

This is my team perspective.


J. Krishnamurti: "Present-day education is a complete failure."

The Education System

The current education system often pressures students to focus solely on competitive exams and traditional jobs, turning them into "slaves" of a rigid and stressful system. Schools impose useless rules and emphasize conformity, creating an environment that stifles critical thinking and discourages students from questioning what is right or wrong. This system is the leading cause of student depression, as it constantly threatens that failing to meet academic standards will result in a failed life, which is far from the truth. Students blindly follow school and government directives, not realizing that this system is designed to produce compliant workers for jobs in government or private companies, maintaining the status quo of existing societal rules. To break free from this cycle, students need to explore alternative paths such as entrepreneurship, creative fields, or skilled trades. By pursuing their own interests and talents, they can escape the confines of a limiting system and find more fulfilling and successful careers.

This is my team perspective.

OSHO: "Most people are just trying to survive. They are not really living; they are just existing. They are not even aware of how deeply unhappy they are."

Depressed Generation

This generation is experiencing high levels of depression, influenced by an education system that was originally designed to create obedient workers rather than independent thinkers. The pressure to conform and succeed within this rigid system often leaves students feeling stressed, unfulfilled, and disconnected from their passions. Additionally, toxic feminism, with its extreme views and divisive rhetoric, can create a hostile environment where young men feel unjustly targeted and young women feel pressured to adopt overly aggressive stances on gender issues. The increase in nudity and explicit content in media, partly influenced by certain feminist perspectives on freedom of expression, further complicates matters. This content often sends mixed messages about body image and self-worth, contributing to anxiety, depression, and unrealistic expectations about relationships and sexuality. Together, these factors create a perfect storm of pressure and confusion, leading to a generation that is struggling to find its identity, purpose, and sense of well-being. To address these issues, we need to reform the education system to foster creativity and critical thinking, promote balanced and inclusive feminism, and encourage media responsibility and healthy portrayals of relationships and self-worth.

This is my team perspective.

Buddha: Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.

Hopeless Paths

Many people find themselves on hopeless paths, working tirelessly towards their goals but feeling uncertain about their chances of success. Despite their best efforts, they often face setbacks and frustration, which can lead to feelings of hopelessness and depression. For some, these persistent failures can escalate to severe mental health issues, including suicidal thoughts, self-harm, or even suicide. In this generation, where cheating often seems to outweigh loyalty, finding genuine support is increasingly difficult. The responsibility to create a happy and low-stress environment lies with the government, which should focus on policies and systems that promote mental well-being and support for its citizens. However, the greediness for money and power often leads to a failure in addressing these crucial needs, leaving individuals to navigate their struggles largely on their own. This neglect can exacerbate feelings of isolation and helplessness, making it even harder for people to find the support they need to cope with stress and depression.
Clearly, life can be especially challenging for those who refuse to blindly follow societal norms and question accepted beliefs. While many conform to traditional paths—such as accepting religious doctrines, adhering to the idea that the education system is perfect, or striving solely for top grades—those who think independently and challenge these norms often face greater difficulties. Their critical thinking and refusal to follow the crowd can make their journey more isolating and frustrating, as they navigate a world that frequently values conformity over individual thought and integrity.

This is my team perspective.

Illuminating Revelation

Rick Santorum: "Marriage is, and always has been, between a man and women."


LGBTQIA+ is a mental illness commonly associated with individuals who find it difficult to face the realities of the real world. These people tend to reject the natural order of things and are heavily influenced by figures in popular culture, often seeking escape through these means. Most of the LGBTQIA+ influencers and followers are weak and often stemming from backgrounds where they were not encouraged to develop strong coping ability. These weak people often create an alternate reality for themselves. In this self-constructed world, they view themselves as superior, the rulers of their domain, and the right kind of people. This fantasy world provides them with a sense of control and importance that they feel is missing in the real world. To sustain this illusion, they actively seek to recruit others into their community. By doing so, they aim to strengthen their numbers and maintain their sense of superiority. This recruitment is crucial for them because, without a growing community, their make-believe world risks being shattered by the harsh realities they are trying to avoid. By bringing in more people who share their mindset, they create a support system that reinforces their beliefs and helps them continue to avoid confronting the real world. In essence, the community of LGBTQIA+ followers and influencers is built on the collective need to escape reality and create a space where they feel safe, understood, and in control. This dynamic underscores the importance of addressing the root causes of their struggles and providing support that encourages resilience and healthy coping strategies.

This is my team perspective.

Neil Postman: We are no longer a nation of readers; we are a nation of watchers.

The Pop Culture

Pop culture, which once entertained people in a wholesome way, has increasingly shifted towards performers removing their clothes for money. Today, youth idolize celebrities based primarily on their looks, disregarding whether these figures contribute positively to society or impart valuable lessons. These idols often prioritize gaining likes and money over considering the impact their actions have on their young audience. As a result, exposing their bodies on camera has become normalized, influencing their followers to believe that such behavior is acceptable. Unfortunately, neither the government nor societal and cultural institutions are addressing this issue. Instead, they often blame the youth for their perceived weaknesses, ignoring the detrimental influence that modern pop culture exerts on them.

This is my team perspective.

Christina Hoff Sommers: Feminism has become a toxic ideology. It is based on a premise that women are always the victims and men are always the perpetrators, which is not only false but harmful.

Toxic Feminism

Toxic feminism, which involves taking feminist ideas to extremes such as hating men and being overly aggressive, can create division between men and women, making it hard to work together on important issues and causing misunderstandings about feminism. This can lead to young people developing unhealthy attitudes, with boys feeling unfairly targeted and girls becoming overly aggressive. Additionally, the increase in nudity and explicit content in media, driven by certain feminist perspectives on dressing and body autonomy, can send confusing messages about body image and sexuality, contributing to mental health issues like anxiety and depression, and reflecting a decline in societal values and respect for personal space. Despite the pursuit of independence, both women and men cannot live happily alone even with billions of dollars in the bank, as true happiness often comes from meaningful relationships. To move forward, we should promote balanced feminism that seeks equality without creating division, encourage responsible media that empowers without exploiting, and educate about healthy gender relations and the importance of moderation and dialogue.

This is my team perspective.

OSHO: Fashion is a way to hide your inner emptiness. It's a way to escape from your own reality, to create an illusion of significance.

Idiocy of Fashion

The current fashion trend where girls show their bodies for attention, claiming it's about comfort, promotes nudity and creates a negative aura. This trend often results in young women adopting an "I don't care about society" attitude, which can be harmful. When girls link their self-worth to how much attention they get for their looks, it can lead to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. For boys, constantly seeing peers dressed provocatively can lead to objectifying attitudes toward women. This behavior also blurs boundaries of respect and consent, confusing younger children about what's appropriate. Encouraging such attitudes can harm society by eroding traditional values of modesty and respect, negatively influencing the upcoming generation's perception of self and others. Encouraging modesty and self-respect can help young people develop healthier self-esteem and more respectful relationships.

This is my team perspective.